During the summer, a pilot project was carried out with twenty people from a group of several hundred interested who tested Dosell Consumer on their own behalf or to help a relative. Participants have continuously evaluated the product and given suggestions for improvements that iZafe Group is working to update ahead of the upcoming launch of Dosell Consumer.
After the test period, iZafe Group has made a final evaluation with the participants to identify how their medication has developed since they started using Dosell and to get information about their attitude to continue with the service.
"Dosell is my best friend – I never want to be without it." "The robot has reduced my medication misses on the weekends when you have a lot of other things scheduled." “I have received better continuous medication at fixed times. "Dosell increased the security of my mother and reduced my anxiety – Dosell can definitely extend the period of independence." "I would not be able to function without my Dosell." "My daughter does not want to be without Dosell and go back to manual handling of medication where I am constantly unsure and have to remind several times a day that medication should be taken." Dosell is missed by both the home care service and by my mother. It made it very easy to remember to take the medicine on time. It was calming to know that the medicine was delivered. " The words from users or relatives who participated as test persons in the pilot project during the summer of 2021 show that Dosell Consumer is an appreciated aid on the market that you do not want to be without.
“The interest in testing Dosell Consumer has been great and I can state that the response has been very good. The twenty people who participated in the test period have been completely different profiles, which indicates that Dosell is suitable for a number of different customer groups. As many as 95 percent want to keep their Dosell and continue with the service. They appreciate that Dosell is easy to use and that their compliance has improved. This strengthens us ahead of the upcoming launch to the public", says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.
The enthusiastic response and the positive reception of the consumer version in Sweden means that iZafe Group is ready to start the launch in Italy via the Sempli Farma service, where the concept of sachets has been developed and spread more widely. The Italian market has a considerable potential with the equivalent of 8.8 million inhabitants over the age of 65 consuming more than five different medications per day. Of these, more than 50 percent experience difficulty following their medication treatments. In Italy, there is an accelerating need to automate medication management, where the consumer version of Dosell has been requested as the obvious alternative.
"The Italian market is several times as large as the Swedish and we see incredible potential for a broad rollout of Dosell now that Italy begins its digitalization journey in healthcare to give more people a safer and simpler medication at home, something that according to society's ambition contributes to lower healthcare costs with reduced risk of incorrect medication. The Italian sachets have been validated with Dosell and active marketing is done towards pharmacies.” concludes Anders Segerström.
Following the launch of Dosell Consumer in Sweden and Italy, iZafe Group sees great potential in a number of other markets in Europe, such as Norway, Finland, Spain, Portugal and England, where the company plans to find the right partners to launch the consumer version in longer term.
About Dosell Consumer
Dosell Consumer and the Dosell app are a niche version of iZafe Group's professional solution and adapted so that users and relatives can administer medication and ensure the right dosage themselves, without being dependent on healthcare professionals. Both versions of the product are compatible with sachets from all suppliers on the market.
Dosell Consumer is a subscription service. Subscriptions for Dosell Consumer can be subscribed for and paid for by, for example, relatives on behalf of the user.
Dosell Consumer will be available for delivery in October 2021, but it is already possible to register an interest for when Dosell Consumer is launched.
About Sempli Farma by Remedio
The Italian healthcare company Remedio has built a network of strategically selected partners in Italy to identify a combination of different aids to medication management and distribution channels that enable the elderly to remain at home longer. Unlike in Sweden, the possibility of receiving medicine separated into daily doses has not existed previously in Italy; this has inspired Remedio to launch the concept of sachets and develop a complete solution called Sempli Farma.
Sempli Farma is a service that, via pharmacies, connects doctors with the patient and their relatives through a closed drug-dispensing system. The aim of the care concept is to reduce care costs and streamline the Italian healthcare system. Dosell will become the ultimate end component by delivering the sachets while confirming that the medication has been taken and recording statistics.