iZafe Group hereby announces that Careium AB, formerly Doro Care, is ordering forty Dosell medication robots.

"It's fun to work with some of the best in automated medication dosing. Dosell will free up more time for patient contact during home visits and play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for home care customers." says Nikola Josevski, Project Manager Careium AB

Careium formerly Doro Care is the market leader with new innovation in Sweden and Norway and one of the leading players in the UK and the Netherlands. This position means that Careium is one of the leading players in Europe that provides welfare technology services. Careium's innovative solutions improve the safety, quality of life and independence of seniors both inside and outside the home. For the care provider, the company's solutions mean increased efficiency and the opportunity to invest resources in more valuable activities. Careium is one of the few players that can offer the entire chain with security alarms, sensors (fall sensors, smoke detectors, motion detectors, etc.), accessories (cameras, electronic locks, medication robots, etc.) and secure communication with alarm reception: the company provides a complete digital alarm chain.

Stockholm, Sweden – iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – hereby announces that the Municipality of Söderköping is extending the agreement by 12 months and our partner Zafe Care Systems AB.

Söderköping continues its work with digitization of the home care service and has now chosen to continue with the pharmaceutical robot Dosell. The agreement was initially signed in 2018.

Stockholm, Sweden – iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – releases "Nobody wants to take the wrong medicine" (only available in Swedish) a report on pharmaceutical use and safety in medication. The report was made in connection with the market research at the launch of Dosell Consumer.

Every year, 6.7 million Swedes take prescription medicine, according to the National Board of Health and Welfare. To take wrong medication at the wrong time or completely forgetting the dose is dangerous for a person that takes multiple pharmaceuticals. The risk of taking the wrong medication becomes a stress factor and gives one a feeling of anxiety. The report reads that 31 per cent mention that they need some kind of help with their medication.

“My father, who takes several medicines daily, saw the benefits of Dosell early on for his own part and he feels a great sense of security in minimizing the risk of missing his prescribed dose. As a relative, I feel calm to receive a confirmation every day that my father has not forgotten his medicine. With the knowledge that 3,000 people decease every year in Sweden as a result of incorrect medication, it feels extremely good to know that I as a relative do what I can to ensure that my own father's medication handling is as safe as it is thanks to Dosell.” Says Ida Almgren, CFO of iZafe Group AB.

Wrong medication is a very dangerous problem in society that does not get enough
attention. It costs both life and suffering for the one who suffers and creates great
concern for relatives. An elderly person who has forgotten to take their medicine is often admitted to hospital. A care day costs SEK 15,000. In total, incorrect medication today costs society SEK 20 billion per year.
The attached report shows the results of a survey conducted by the opinion and market research company YouGov on behalf of iZafe Group and Dosell. In 2021, 2063 interviews were conducted with men and women aged 18 and up in Sweden. Data were weighed based on the criteria gender, age and region on the basis of a model from Statistics Sweden.

Stockholm, Sweden – iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – hereby announces that the first pharmaceutical robots adapted for the Italian consumer market have now been sent to Sempli Farma in Italy for the pilot project.

In October this year, we communicated the upcoming pilot project in Italy. With a certain delay, we can now announce that the pharmaceutical robots have been sent from Sweden and are expected to be delivered to Sempli Farma next week.
All parts such as Dosell, manuals, mobile app, system and brochure are ready and adapted for the Italian market, which means that Sempli Farma has everything to get started.
About Sempli Farma by Remedio S.R.L
The Italian healthcare company Remedio has built a network of strategically selected partners in Italy to find a combination of different aids in drug management and distribution channels that enable the elderly to stay at home longer. Unlike in Sweden, the possibility of receiving medicine on a dose roll has not existed in Italy; this has inspired Remedio to launch the concept of sachets and develop the complete solution Sempli Farma.
Sempli Farma is a service that connects pharmacists with the patient and their relatives via a pharmacy through a closed system for drug dispensing. The care concept aims to reduce care costs and streamline the Italian healthcare system. Dosell becomes the ultimate end component by delivering the dose bags while at the same time the compliance of the medication can be checked and statistics obtained.

Sempli Farma has grown in 2020 and 2021 through a capital raising of
300,000 euros. The organization has been strengthened with a clinical engineer, a sales manager who works to create an external sales network and a marketing and communications department.

Stockholm, Sweden – iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – hereby announces that Zafe Care Systems is ordering 50 Dosell and is now initiating offensive marketing activities to bring the pharmaceutical robot to market.

“We are pleased that our extensive testing of the new Dosell pharmaceutical robot has been successfully completed and look forward to marketing and selling the pharmaceutical robot to our customers. Dosell fits well into our product & service portfolio creating additional security and making it easier for users, care and nursing staff. We see a great demand in the market in welfare technology and initially order 50 Dosell, we are really looking forward to 2022 and its continued future." Says Anders Nilsson, Sales Manager Zafe Care Systems.

Zafe Care Systems AB, which was acquired by the AddLife Group, is part of Home Care, similar to Norwegian Hepro, and is one of the leading companies in welfare technology on the Swedish market. Their main customers are the state, municipalities and aid centers. Today, they work with more than 200 municipalities and are suitable thanks to their market-leading technology in all types of care homes.

iZafe Group AB (”iZafe”) has entered into an agreement with Mangold Fondkommission AB (Mangold) as liquidity provider for the iZafe share on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The purpose of the liquidity provider is to improve the liquidity of the share and decrease the spread between the ask and bid price. Mangold’s assignment commences on November 30, 2021.

In its assignment as liquidity provider, Mangold will facilitate trade in the iZafe share by continuously maintaining both ask and bid orders in the order book. The purpose is to ensure a more accurate share price, which leads to a more accurate company valuation and improves the trading volume of the share.

Hepro AS has last issued a final approval of the new version of Dosell and has officially approved the pharmaceutical robot in its entirety for the Norwegian market.

“We are pleased that all of our tests on the new Dosell have now been successfully completed and look forward to officially presenting the new improved Dosell to all Norwegian municipalities from now on. In the future, the pharmaceutical robot will be a priority product in Hepro's product portfolio. We can now finally start selling, which we look forward to.” Says Geir Tore Jakobsen CEO, Hepro AS

As Dosell is a medical technology product that requires high security and functionality, all of our partners have had to carry out their own internal controls of hardware and software and ensure all integrations and alarm handling. Following the implementation of the first version of Dosell, some technical challenges arose. The problems caused by the challenges have meant that the requirements for testing and quality assurance have become very high in order for the product to be approved. Dosell has now received this quality stamp and now that Hepro has given its approval, the pharmaceutical robot is now approved for the Scandinavian market.

"These tests have taken longer than the forecast. At the same time, we are very happy to work with such serious partners who make solid own checks to ensure all parts. Hepro AS has been a very important partner for us in the development and testing of Dosell 2.0 and it feels fantastic that the product is now secured at all levels.” Says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group AB.

Stockholm, Sweden, iZafe Group AB (publ) ("iZafe" or "the Company") announces the opportunity for shareholders, media, and other stakeholders to ask company-related questions in connection with its third quarter report. The report will be available to the public on November 29, 2021 at 08:30 (8:30 a.m.) CET.

Questions will be answered by Chief Executive Officer Anders Segerström and published on December 8, 2021 on iZafe Group's investor site under the heading Financial Reports, Investor Questions.
Please send your questions to before 10:00 (10 a.m.) CET on December 1, 2021.

Stockholm, Sweden, iZafe Group AB (publ) ("iZafe" or "the Company") today announced the appointment of Carl-Fredrik Bothén as Chief Marketing Officer. In his new role, Bothén will be an integral part of the executive team as he oversees the development and execution of iZafe marketing initiatives.

Carl-Fredrik has more than 25 years of experience in marketing, communication and digitalization. Among other things, he has worked as Nordic marketing manager for TP-Link Nordic AB and as marketing manager for Sixt rent a car. Carl-Fredrik also has experience from working in growth companies in various stages of development with a focus on, among other things, strategy work and growth. He will also place great emphasis on the Company's IR strategy and in connection with this will also be the contact person for shareholders and investors.

– In our growth journey, it has become natural to create a new position and bring in a senior CMO in the company. With Carl-Fredrik's solid experience in marketing and strategic experience of structured and long-term branding, I am convinced that he will be an important asset in our continued growth journey and management team, says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group AB.

“With many years of experience working with marketing communication, strategic planning and business development at internationally established companies, I can add expertise to iZafe Group by further developing the business to become a for-profit company. I have at an early stage formed a clear perception of our current situation and see a great potential to together with a very committed organization. I will be able to help increase our brand awareness and demonstrate sales figures, short-term and long-term”, says Carl-Fredrik Bothén, CMO at iZafe Group AB.

iZafe Group AB (publ.) (”iZafe” or ”the Company”) announces that the price for the consumer version of Dosell will be SEK 299 per month.

Dosell Consumer is a subscription service without binding period or notice period. A subscription for Dosell Consumer can be subscribed and paid for by, for example, the user directly or relatives to the user. After the customer has purchased the hardware for SEK 499 on apoteket.se, the service offers easy registration with payment solutions directly in the app.

”We are very happy that Dosell, as of Monday October 18, will be made available through apoteket.se for anyone to buy, to a relative or to themself. In an early stage we already have about 20 satisfied users that have tested Dosell before launch. We have visited some of them to hear more about how their everyday life has been made simpler and how their safe use of medication has been facilitated by the help of Dosell. See this video where two of our users and their families describe their experiences. Dosell Consumer is a welcome aid in the home for all people who medicate daily.” says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe.

About Dosell Consumer
Dosell Consumer and the Dosell app is a simpler version of iZafe´s professional solution and is adjusted to let users and relatives administrate and ensure correct medication without being dependent on healthcare staff. Both versions of the product are compatible with sachets from every supplier on the market.
Dosell Consumer will be made available for delivery by Apoteket on Monday October 18, 2021, but it is already possible to register interest to ensure availability when Dosell Consumer is launched.

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