Stockholm, Sweden. iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) (“the company”) reports that a patent application filed by the company has been published. The patent relates to a further development of the medication management robot Dosell, enabling Dosell and the Dosell app to become a hub for connected sensors and other digital care equipment in the home collection and measureing patient-specific data. The patent application is international and enables iZafe to have patents approved in more than 150 countries.

The current patent application could provide the company with future patents in a large number of countries including Sweden, other parts of Europe and the USA. The fact that iZafe has a patent pending already in itself affords important protection for the company’s further development of Dosell as a digital platform and additionally strengthens iZafe’s position in the market.

“The digitalization of healthcare has accelerated in recent years, and iZafe is a leading provider of medication dose dispensing for those who want to manage their medication themselves. By protecting the further development of Dosell into a digital hub for a future digital clinic in the home, we are strengthening our position as well as our patent portfolio,” says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

The patent application relates to the development of a system for dispensing medication via the Dosell robot in which the dose of medication dispensed is adjusted based on current patient-specific information.

“We are convinced that the ecosystem that Dosell provides via medication dispensing and the SaaS-based services is just the start of a rapid digitalization of many measurements that can be monitored by the doctor responsible for the patient via the Dosell app. The fact that we now have a patent pending in this area is an important part of our long-term strategy for positioning iZafe as a leading player in the digitalization of home and remote healthcare. Publication of the patent application that was filed 18 months ago strengthens our position in the market while also protecting us from competitors,” says Anders Segerström.

Future digital care in the home
We are living longer and longer, and an aging population increases the need for care and social services. Society aims to deliver increasing quality for our seniors and an important part of this ambition is to offer an increasing level of care in the home. iZafe’s vision of a “digital clinic in the home” will only be possible if important information about the patient’s state of health can be measured and communicated to the treating doctor.

This further development of Dosell allows sensors in the home to take the patient’s readings and communicate these via iZafe’s cloud-based solution. The treating doctor can then make sure that the correctly adjusted dose is always given to the patient via Dosell. The new technology further increases patient safety in respect of the dosing and dispensing of medication. Using Dosell as a hub realizes the vision of a digital doctor’s round in the home, which will be particularly important for patients being treated for conditions such as dementia, complex heart problems, diabetes, Parkinson’s and MS.

“Through Dosell, iZafe has already set a new standard for digital medication dispensing and future patents will enable the company to revolutionize care – above all in the home and especially for seniors, people with multiple conditions and patients on multiple medications,” says Dr Göran Sjönell, doctor in general medical practice, co-founder of iZafe Group and inventor of Dosell.

Stockholm, Sweden. iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading life science company in the digitalization of medication management – has announced the start of a pilot project with healthcare company TioHundra AB involving 30 medication dispensing robots. The results will provide a basis for identifying areas where welfare technology can contribute to more efficient, safer operations at TioHundra in Norrtälje municipality, Sweden.

During the pilot project TioHundra and iZafe aim to identify, prioritize and work to enable operational developments in Norrtälje municipality. TioHundra’s ambition is to introduce the technology that Dosell represents to facilitate and create safer medication distribution within the area of home care services and personal assistance. 
“Using Dosell will enable TioHundra to ease the burden on its employees, because medication dispensing robots increase safety and can save both time and resources. Dosell can also simplify coordination of functions for company medication signing to avoid duplicate records. A crucial advantage of Dosell is that it makes life safer for users, allowing them to live an independent life in their own home for longer with less risk of medication errors. Relatives also benefit from increased security thanks to the function for remote monitoring,” says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe. 
About the pilot project
TioHundra’s aim for the pilot project is to allow patients/users to manage their medication themselves, thereby increasing their independence. Digital tools such as medication dispensing robots are classed as welfare technology and provide important support for ensuring safe medication management, which is currently managed manually. Care professionals in Norrtälje must travel significant distances daily, with many patients needing more than one visit a day, to dispense medication and provide other minor assistance. TioHundra hopes to use digital tools to streamline its operations, so that it can make fewer visits and improve the quality of those visits instead. 
The trial period with Dosell will provide a basis for TioHundra’s decision on whether to purchase medication dispensing robots. 
About TioHundra AB
TioHundra is unique in Sweden in that it is the only company offering a full range of health care and social care services. TioHundra’s innovative and efficient approach improves the quality of care and creates added value for patients, users, those close to them and employees. The Norrtälje model has attracted attention both regionally and internationally, being held up by Sweden’s Ministry of Health and Social Affairs as an example to other municipalities, county councils and regions.
About the medication dispensing robot Dosell 
Dosell is a robot that manages the dispensing of medication sachets. The roll of sachets is installed in the robot and programmed by healthcare personnel. The medication is then dispensed by the robot at the times printed on the sachets. The sachet is cut open when it is dispensed, and the patient then takes their medication independently. A reminder function helps patients to remember to take their medications. If the patient does not take the sachet despite the reminder, an app sends an alert to healthcare professionals who can then make a home visit to ensure the medication is taken.

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