Investor Presentations

As a listed company, we strive to keep our shareholders and investors informed. Here you can find our latest investor presentations, where we share important information about our business, financial results, and strategic goals.

By providing access to our investor presentations, we aim to foster an open and transparent dialogue with our stakeholders. We regularly update the page with relevant information to give you insights into our journey of success and future prospects.

Aktiedagen Stockholm 11 June 2024

Stora Aktiedagen Stockholm 29 November 2023

Sitdown interview in Swedish

Anders Segerström at Aktiespararna’s Small Cap Day

Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group, delivered a presentation in June 2022 at Aktiespararna’s Small Cap Day.

The presentation included the company’s recently updated vision and strategy, as well as future prospects in both the short and long term.

Partner Interviews

iZafe Group currently has strong collaborations with partners in Norway, Finland, Italy, and Sweden who sell and market Dosell. In a series of interviews, Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group, asks partners about their work with Dosell, the state of the business, and their outlook for the future.

“We have a large network of satisfied partners who can all offer their customers a simple and secure implementation of Dosell in various welfare platforms. With Dosell’s unique flexibility and technology, secure communication can take place between Dosell, connected mobile phones, other welfare technologies, and the cloud,” Segerström explained.
Partner Interview Viser
Partner Interview Doro
Partner Interview Ing. Dahm & Bagle
Partner Interview Vivago
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