iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that the partner Remedio has sold its concept to 12 pharmacies which in a short time have 2,000 active customers who receive their medicines in sachets.

"Getting the medicine in sachets is completely new to the Italian market and our concept is based on local pharmacies purchasing a machine to enable their customers to have the medicine delivered in sachets. In a short time, we have now succeeded in installing machines for packing medicine into sachets in 12 pharmacies. These pharmacies have in turn gotten 2,000 of their customers to start getting their medicines delivered in sachets. Of these, about 95% are users in nursing homes. We currently have a rate of 2 new pharmacies a month installing a machine.
We will now start actively selling Dosell to these customers, but we will also start tests to introduce corportare version of Dosell, as most of our customers patients are now in nursing homes." says Alessandro Iadecola, CEO Remedio S.R.L.
"Getting several pharmacies to start packaging the medicines in sachets is absolutely crucial for Dosell, which is based on loading the medicine robot with these sachets. It will be exciting to follow the development on the Italian market, where it is now finally starting to gain momentum. Extra happy that so many nursing homes are starting to show interest in getting the medicine in sachets, as there are 3,000 nursing homes with over 300,000 beds in Italy." says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group AB.

Today, October 7, 2022, is the last day of trading with the warrants of series TO10B in iZafe Group AB (“iZafe” or “the Company”). The subscription period for the warrants of series TO10B runs up until October 11, 2022. Each warrant of series TO10B gives the owner the right to subscribe for one (1) new share of series B in iZafe. The exercise price for the warrants of series TO10B is SEK 0.26 per share of series B.

If all the warrants of series TO10B are exercised, the Company will receive approximately SEK 9.2 million before issuing costs. In order to prevent the warrants expiring without value, the holder must actively subscribe for new shares, no later than October 11, 2022. Alternatively, the holder may sell the warrants, no later than today, October 7, 2022. Please be aware that certain nominees may close their subscriptions earlier than October 11, 2022. Complete terms and conditions for the warrants are available on the Company’s website, www.izafegroup.com.

Summarized terms for the warrants of series TO10B:

Exercise period: September 27, 2022 – October 11, 2022.

Exercise price: SEK 0.26 per share of series B.

Issue size: 35,435,674 warrants of series TO10B, which entitles to subscription of 35,435,674 shares of series B. If all the warrants are exercised, The Company will receive approximately SEK 9.2 million before issuing costs.

Last day for trading warrants of series TO10B: October 7, 2022.

Share capital and dilution: If all warrants are exercised the share capital will increase with SEK 7,087,134.80, from SEK 14,174,861.60 to SEK 21,261,996.40. If all warrants are exercised the number of shares will increase with 35,435,674 shares of series B, in total the number of shares in the Company will increase from 70,874,308 shares to 106,309,982 shares (600,000 shares of series A and 105,709,982 shares of series B). The dilution at full exercise of all warrants amounts to approximately 33.33 percent of the number of shares and 31.72 percent of the votes in the Company.
Note that the warrants of series TO10B that are not exercised at the latest October 11, 2022, or sold at the latest October 7, 2022, will expire without value. For the warrants not to lose their value, the holder must actively subscribe for new shares or sell the warrants.

Mangold Fondkommission AB is the financial advisor and Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå AB is the legal advisor to the Company in connection with the exercise of the warrants of series TO10B.

iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that two municipalities in Sweden are choosing to implement Dosell now in October.

"We see an increased demand from municipalities that wish to implement Dosell, the period for implementation is short before the Christmas holiday starts, which means that we choose to start these two municipalities under our own auspices.
The municipalities will start with a low volume to find the right processes and routines to be able to introduce larger volumes of pharmaceutical robots. When the municipalities are to introduce several pharmaceutical robots, these will be handed over to our partners." Says Anders Segerström, CEO iZafe Group AB.

Members of the Board of Directors, management team and the incoming Chairman of the Board of iZafe Group AB ("iZafe" or the "Company") exercise all held warrants of series TO10B. The number of warrants of series TO10B that the Board of Directors, the management team and the incoming Chairman of the Board exercise amounts to 799,698 warrants. Corresponding to 2.26 percent of outstanding warrants of series TO10B, corresponding to a subscription of 799,698 new shares to a value of approximately SEK 208,000.

iZafe has received subscriptions from the Board of Directors, management team and the incoming Chairman of the Board as follows.

Name Role Number of TO10B Share of total number of TO10B
Anders Segerström CEO 343,364 0.97 precent
Henrik Windahl Business unit manager 106,667 0.30 precent
Björn Rosengren Incoming Chairman of the Board 290,000 0.82 precent
Göran Hermansson Board member 34,667 0.10 precent
Richard Wolff Board member 25,000 0.07 precent
Total 799,698 2.26 percent

Summarized terms for the warrants of series TO10B:

Exercise period: September 27, 2022 – October 11, 2022.

Exercise price: SEK 0.26 per share of series B.

Issue size: 35,435,674 warrants, which entitles to subscription of 35,435,674 shares of series B. If all the warrants are exercised, The Company will receive approximately SEK 9.2 million before issuing costs.

Last day for trading warrants of series TO10B: October 7, 2022.

Mangold Fondkommission AB is the financial advisor and Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå AB is the legal advisor to the Company in connection with the exercise of the warrants of series TO10B.

iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that the partner Hepro AS is now starting the implementation of 25 Dosell units in a municipality in the western region of Norway.

The municipality, which has approximately 3,300 residents aged 65 and over, initially starts with 25 Dosells and then gradually increases the number.

About Hepro
HEPRO AS is a modern and future-oriented competence company that develops, produces and sells aids and welfare technology of high quality and clean design. The company was founded in 1987 and has extensive experience in developing products and solutions that will make everyday life easier for their customers. Their vision is to give their customers the opportunity to manage themselves, participate actively in their own everyday lives and stay longer at home. Hepro is owned by the Stockholm-based listed AddLife Group. AddLife has approx. 70 st. independent subsidiaries and over 1800 employees.

iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that the partner Careium AS is now starting the implementation of 20 Dosells in a municipality in eastern Norway.

The municipality, which has approx. 5,171 residents aged 65 and over, will initially start with 20 Dosells and then gradually increase the number.

"We look forward to starting the implementation of the medicine robot Dosell. Careium is driven by a genuine concern for our users and their needs always come first. Remembering to take your daily medication can mean the difference between life and death. Despite this, many people often forget to take their medicine and then a medicine robot can be of great use. Dosell contributes to better compliance and that drug-related injuries are minimized," says Arvid Bakken, Country Director Norway.

About Careium
Careium is one of the leading players in welfare technology in Europe and approximately 400,000 people use their services. The vast majority of these are connected to one of their four alarm centers in Sweden, Norway and Great Britain. The alarm centers receive more than 25,000 alarms a day. Doro Care recently changed its name to Careium. Doro acquired Caretech in 2014, which became the starting point for what is today Careium. Read more at careium.com

iZafe Group AB ("iZafe" or the "Company") issued, in connection with a rights issue in the fourth quarter of 2021, warrants of series TO10B. Each warrant gives the right to subscribe for one (1) new share of series B in the Company. The subscription price has been set to SEK 0.26 per each share of series B. The exercise period for warrants of series TO10B runs from September 27, 2022, up to and including October 11, 2022.

Each warrant gives the right to subscribe for one (1) new share of series B in the Company. The subscription price for the warrants of series TO10B shall correspond to 70 percent of the volume-weighted average price of the Company's share of series B on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market during the measurement period from and including September 12, 2022, up to and including September 23, 2022. However, not lower than the quota value for the Company's share and not higher than SEK 2.25 per share. The volume-weighted average price of the Company's share of series B during the measurement period amounted to approximately SEK 0.37. Thus, the subscription price is determined to SEK 0.26. The exercise period for warrants of series TO10B runs from September 27, 2022, up to and including October 11, 2022. Complete terms and conditions for the warrants of series TO10B are available on the Company's website, www.izafegroup.com.

Summarized terms for the warrants of series TO10B:

Exercise period: September 27, 2022 – October 11, 2022.

Exercise price: SEK 0.26 per share of series B.

Issue size: 35,435,674 warrants of series TO10B, which entitles to subscription of 35,435,674 shares of series B. If all the warrants are exercised, The Company will receive approximately SEK 9.2 million before issuing costs.

Last day for trading warrants of series TO10B: October 7, 2022.

Share capital and dilution: If all warrants are exercised the share capital will increase with SEK 7,087,134.80, from SEK 14,174,861.60 to SEK 21,261,996.40. If all warrants are exercised the number of shares will increase with 35,435,674 shares of series B, in total the number of shares in the Company will increase from 70,874,308 shares to 106,309,982 shares (600,000 shares of series A and 105,709,982 shares of series B). The dilution at full exercise of all warrants amounts to approximately 33.33 percent of the number of shares and 31.72 percent of the votes in the Company.
Note that the warrants of series TO10B that are not exercised at the latest October 11, 2022, or sold at the latest October 7, 2022, will expire without value. For the warrants not to lose their value, the holder must actively subscribe for new shares or sell the warrants.

Mangold Fondkommission AB is the financial advisor and Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå AB is the legal advisor to the Company in connection with the exercise of the warrants of series TO10B.

iZafe Group (publ) hereby announces that the nomination committee proposes that Björn Rosengren be elected as the new chairman of the board at an extra general meeting. This means that Björn Rosengren is proposed to take over as new chairman after Joachim Källsholm.

Björn Rosengren has a wide range of skills and extensive experience from both business and the public sector, including as minister of business, governor and advisor to Kinnevik. Today he mainly works as a board professional in both listed and unlisted companies. Some of the companies where he is chairman of the board are Fastator, listed on Mid Cap, Studentbostäder i Norden at First North and the Norwegian-Swedish Chamber of Commerce.

"We are facing a future where the population is getting older and the pressure on healthcare is increasing. iZafe is an important piece of the puzzle to create better and safer care through medical and digital security solutions. Where I see great potential with the pharmaceutical robot Dosell on the international market. I feel both happy and honored and look forward to contributing and following the company's exciting journey forward towards new levels, says Björn Rosengren, proposed new chairman of iZafe Group.

The chairman of the selection committee, Sten Röing, comments:
"Björn Rosengren has solid experience in creating value and consensus between management and owners regarding goals and priorities. We are convinced that he will contribute to continuing to develop iZafe and be involved in the work around the company's positive growth and future."

The selection committee consists of Sten Röing, Göran Sjönell and Carl Johan Merner.

The nomination committee's complete proposal will be presented in the notice to the extra general meeting.

iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that the partner Careium AB is today starting the implementation of Dosell in a municipality.

"As we communicated on June 8 and that in connection with delivery challenges and approaching holiday times, the majority of municipalities chose to postpone the introduction until after the summer. Now the municipalities are finally getting time to start the implementation and the first to go is our partner Careium AB. Together with our partners, we are working hard to ensure that the municipalities prioritize the start-up of our medicinal robot Dosell here this fall." Says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group

About Careium
Careium is today the market leader in welfare technology in Europe and approximately 400,000 people use their services. The vast majority of these are connected to one of their six alarm centers in Sweden, Norway and the United Kingdom. The alarm centers receive more than 30,000 alarms a day.
Doro Care recently changed its name to Careium. Doro acquired Caretech in 2014, which became the starting point for what today is Careium.
About Dosell
The medicinal robot Dosell is a Swedish-made digital aid for safer medication at home and for people living in nursing homes. Dosell is integrated into welfare platforms and is sold as one of several integrated digital aids via partners.
In a Swedish report, it is estimated that 3,000 Swedes die annually from drug-related injuries and that 6–16 percent of hospital admissions are drug-related. The costs for drug-related injuries that can be avoided are estimated at SEK 5.6–24.6 billion per year.
Dosell notifies the patient when it's time to take the medicine, and if the medicine is not taken despite the reminders, Dosell alerts healthcare professionals or relatives who can quickly prevent an injury and improve compliance, thus minimizing drug-related injuries.
Read more at www.dosell.se

iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that iZafe has signed a cooperation agreement with the welfare platform Avanto Care to be able to offer customers more proactive care.

"In order for future care to be able to work smart with all the advantages that digital tools provide, platforms are needed that connect all the data that the customer receives from them. Avanto Care is a platform that, in a neat and educational way, presents useful insights and action proposals linked to the data points that come in from various digital tools and sensors. In addition to providing better care, this will also in the long term enable a new type of income source for Dosell and our upcoming total solution around medication and compliance that we will offer in connection with the acquisition of Pilloxa." Says Anders Segerström CEO, iZafe Group

"The ability for caregivers and care recipients to follow medication is important for healthy ageing. We at Avanto Care see that the collaboration with iZafe and their drugrobot Dosell creates new opportunities for quality follow-up. Through the collaboration, our customers can monitor the effect of interventions and create decision-making bases for proactive interventions in health and social care." Says Mikael Karlsson, CEO, Avanto Care

The collaboration means that iZafe's products are integrated with Avanto Care's platform. This means that customers who have iZafe's products can also use Avanto Care's platform. It creates the conditions for iZafe's customers to work more proactively by seeing trends and proposed measures linked to the user's medication.

Read more about Avanto Care here: https://www.avantocare.com

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