Stockholm, Sweden. iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading life science company in the digitalization of medication management announces that it has signed a letter of intent with Apoteket AB to investigate the possibilities of signing a cooperation agreement between the parties and introduce Dosell in the consumer market in Sweden exclusively through Apoteket AB's channels. A possible agreement with Apoteket and their unique market position as one of the leading suppliers of sachets in the Swedish market creates a direct market for the more than 200,000 people who currently medicate via sachets from, among others, Apoteket.

As previously communicated, iZafe Group is launching a consumer version of Dosell in 2021, which will create a completely new private market. The consumer version of Dosell is a subscription service that offers the more than 200,000 people in Sweden who medicate via sachets the opportunity to subscribe to a pharmaceutical robot without being dependent on the care or home service providing the equipment. In addition to those who currently use dose bags, the service is also aimed at all the 500,000 who administer their medication on their own, for example with the help of a dose. These people are also a priorited target group for Apoteket's service DosPac. Dosell Consumer is also aimed at relatives who want to ensure that the user take the right medicine at the right time for increased well-being and to minimize the risk of incorrect medication. If medication is not given as planned, relatives or caregivers are alerted via the Dosell app and can quickly ensure that the medication is taken as prescribed.

“It is common knowledge that incorrect medication is a major health problem and that it can have devastating effects on the individual's health to miss a dose, take the wrong pills or combine drugs that can be harmful to take together. Getting your medicines pre-sorted, dosed and packaged in daily sachets mainly means increased safety, but also that you yourself do not have to spend time on handling. Our strategic decision to launch a consumer version of our pharmaceutical robot via Apoteket is based on the fact that we see society's need to simplify the process of medication management at home and to strengthen compliance with drug treatments. It feels natural to, together with Apoteket, take active responsibility in society with regard to safety linked to medication.” Comments Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

The combination of dose-packaged drugs and a drug robot makes medication at home safer and contributes to better compliance. Dose bags are today the safest way to medicate and patient safety is further improved with Dosell as the risk of the user ingesting the wrong drug or missing a dose next door is eliminated.

“Now we are taking the next step and providing a digital service that will further make it easier for people to get their medicines in order. Dose is a fantastic service that daily helps many people to more easily remember to take the medications that their doctor has prescribed. Both a tool for compliance and a service that makes it easier for those who have several medications every day. The user gets their medicines pre-sorted and quality-reviewed by a pharmacist, which gives a reassurance of knowing that it will be right. Dosell is a good complement to the dose to be reminded daily. Security increases further as the user, relatives or others can receive notifications via SMS if a dose is not taken.” Comments Magdalena Borg, Business Area Manager Dos Apoteket AB.

In the current wave of digitalisation in healthcare, iZafe Group and Apoteket AB are setting a new standard for drug handling and dispensing in Sweden, which means that digital medication dispensing through dose bags will be available to anyone who wants to create a safe and secure home environment for medicines at home.

About Dosell Consumer

  • Dosell Consumer and the Dosell app are a niche version of iZafe's professional solution and adapted so that users and relatives can administer and ensure the right medication without being dependent on healthcare professionals.
  • Dosell Consumer will be available for delivery in August 2021, but it is already possible to register an interest in securing availability when Dosell Consumer is launched.

About Apoteket AB
Apoteket AB is Sweden's largest pharmacy chain and a state-owned company with the task of conducting retail trade in pharmaceuticals in Sweden. The pharmacy operates approximately 400 pharmacy stores in Sweden.

In addition to the pharmacy business, Apoteket also offers medication supply with associated pharmacy services to hospitals, health centers, dental clinics, municipal units and private care companies and also works with health services for employers via so-called Hospital Pharmacies, and has ApoDos operations in Sweden.

Apoteket DosPac is a service for having their medicines pre-sorted, dosed and packaged in daily dose bags. Each bag contains the medicines to be taken at one and the same time. Each bag contains personal information, what the bag contains and when the medicine is to be taken. Read more about DosPac:

Press contact Apoteket AB
Beatrice Backman 
073-069 27 04

Stockholm, Sweden. iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading life science company in the digitalization of medication management announces that it is launching a pilot project with twenty selected people from a group of several hundred consumers who signed up to have the opportunity to test Dosell consumer before launch. The result will help to identify any areas for improvement around the service and will form the basis for the final product that will be launched after the summer.

As previously communicated, iZafe Group is launching a consumer version of the Dosell pharmaceutical robot. As a result of limited advertising on social media, the company has received several hundred expressions of interest from private individuals who want to test Dosell on their own behalf or help a relative. In June, iZafe Group will start a pilot project with twenty selected people who have registered via a form on to test Dosell for six weeks.

“The interest in testing Dosell Consumer has been great and we are pleased with the market's response. After the summer, our planned launch campaign will start with the goal of reaching a wide range of prospective customers and users of Dosell,” says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group AB. "Discussions are currently underway with potential partners that will mean a faster and broader roll-out of Dosell in the consumer market."

The goal of Dosell Consumer is to fundamentally change the care for users who want to live an independent life at home longer, but with the security that there are relatives and care staff who can intervene if something goes wrong. iZafe Group wants to set a new standard for digital dose dispensing in the home, which means that digital drug dispensing will be available to anyone who wants to create a safe and secure environment for dispensing medicines.

Dosell creates a safer life that allows users to live an independent life at home for a longer period of time, with a reduced risk of incorrect medication. This is valuable for, for example, elderly and multi-medicated people. Relatives who want to offer the service to their parents and other relatives also receive increased security with the support of the function for remote monitoring.

About Dosell Consumer

  • Dosell Consumer and the Dosell app are a niche version of iZafe's professional solution and adapted so that users and relatives can administer and ensure the right medication themselves without being dependent on healthcare professionals.
  • Dosell Consumer is a subscription service. Subscriptions for Dosell Consumer can be subscribed for and paid for by, for example, relatives on behalf of the user.
  • Dosell Consumer will be available for delivery after the summer of 2021, but it is already possible to register an interest in securing availability when Dosell Consumer is launched.

Stockholm, Sweden. iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading life science company in the digitalization of medication management announces today that the company's pharmaceutical robot Dosell has been registered in the Medical Products Agency and certified under MDR. This means that the product is approved in accordance with the EU regulation on medical devices that ensures the safety and performance of medical devices.

With registration in the Medical Products Agency and certification under MDR, iZafe Group's pharmaceutical robot Dosell meets the requirements of the new regulation.

Dosell has been CE marked according to previously applicable directives for medical devices, MDD. The new EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) replaced the MDD in May 2021. Like all medical device companies with products on the European market, iZafe Group has had to adapt its operations to meet the new requirements for CE marking of the products.

“Our pharmaceutical robot Dosell has been registered with the Medical Products Agency and certified under MDR. The MDR certification is important because it certifies that the product continues to meet the EU's essential health, safety, and environmental requirements. We have invested both time and financial resources to ensure that we comply with all new directives, and we are proud that we succeeded in submitting the application on May 26, when MDR replaced MDD.” says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

About the EU regulation
The regulation updates the rules on which medical devices may be on the market, and how products are provided and used. The regulation improves patient safety by introducing stricter methods for assessment and monitoring in the market. It also contains rules for how medical technology companies conduct product evaluations within the EU. This ensures that unsafe and incompatible products and equipment do not end up on the market.

For more information click here.

Stockholm, Sweden. iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading life science company in the digitalization of medication management updates the market on the latest developments of the next generation of Dosell – Dosell 2.0 which contains several improvements and new features.

iZafe Group has together with partners developed an improved version of the pharmaceutical robot Dosell. Dosell 2.0 is the result of an ongoing work where iZafe Group, together with users, partners, and participants in pilot studies, exchanged experiences and documented data that provided important information for iZafe Group's ongoing development process. The gathered knowledge has formed a valuable base for future product and system development and by involving representatives from all stakeholder groups, we ensure that upgrades and improvements are customized. That is, iZafe Group shall prioritize functionality and product performance that is so close to the needs of users and customers that it guarantees that the product delivers value, safety, and health benefits.

“Our internal Customer Success group have been responsible for documenting the feedback we received from customers and partners with the aim of capturing early requests for the development of Dosell and the associated system. The feedback we regularly receive from ongoing pilot projects and from our partners, which is continuously born into our development processes, means that we make the right priorities and further improve Dosell with new functions to achieve enhanced performance. At the end of 2020, we received a total of 450 pre-orders of Dosell 2.0, which includes several improvements, including a new built-in and rechargeable battery with a battery life of over 48 hours and an improved app.” says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

iZafe Group attaches great importance to creating the best and most intuitive user experience in the market for pharmaceutical robots, and with the upcoming distribution of Dosell 2.0, the following features and operations have been further improved:

  • We have replaced the alkaline batteries with built-in, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that drastically extend the time that Dosell can operate without a power outlet connection.
  • We launch a significantly improved alarm handling and a predefined alarm template.
  • A safer and simpler process for loading a new sachet strip, which means shorter waiting time for the user.
  • A simplified start-up process where Dosell more clearly indicates when the user can connect their smartphone to Dosell via Bluetooth.
  • We have added a new, user-specific dosing window which means that the drug delivery becomes more flexible, giving the user increased freedom. Thus, there are more options for how doses should be dispensed, which can be controlled individually per Dosell to be adapted to the user's everyday life.

The past six months have been very development-intensive with investments in product, technology, and software. Major training efforts have been carried out with our partners who for two weeks have tested Dosell 2.0 with the help of a solid test schedule to evaluate all new functions, performance, and user experience. In addition, we have introduced new routines in the production process and updated our test and quality routines to ensure that Dosell 2.0 matches our high-quality standards.

“During the past six months, we have invested large resources, financially and with labor, to develop Dosell 2.0 based on our collaborations with partners and users. We are now in a final exciting phase which means that we are closing the window for further development of Dosell 2.0 and entering the production phase. It is estimated that the first units will be delivered to customers during week 20. Subsequent weeks, production will be scaled up to meet our customers' increased needs and to meet pre-orders that have already been made.” concludes Anders Segerström.

Stockholm, Sweden – iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading Life Science company specializing in healthcare services digitalization announces the opportunity for shareholders, media, and other stakeholders to ask company-related questions in connection with its first quarter report. The report will be available to the public on April 29, 2021 at 08:30 (8:30 a.m.) CET.

Questions will be answered by Chief Executive Officer Anders Segerström published on May 12, 2021 on iZafe's website under the heading Investor Relations.

Please send your questions tobefore 10:00 (10 a.m.) CET on May 3, 2021.

Stockholm, Sweden. iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading life science company in the digitalization of medication management – announces that it has completed a pilot project with the healthcare company TioHundra AB. The pilot has been in progress for two months in TioHundra's operations and care services. The result of the pilot project will identify areas where welfare technology can contribute to a more efficient and safer operation at TioHundra in Norrtälje municipality.

The purpose of the pilot study was as follows:

  • To be able to offer an independent life at home based on a safe life for users with a reduced risk of incorrect medication and for relatives’ increased security with the support of remote monitoring.
  • To relieve staff in the business because the introduction of a pharmaceutical robot will save both time and resources.
  • To ensure coordination of functions with the company's drug signing to avoid double registration / work. Based on the three goals above, both iZafe Group and TioHundra have worked to implement Dosell in their daily operations. The three goals for the pilot were not fully met during the pilot's term, however, it was clear to both parties that they would be achieved over time as the ongoing corona pandemic has exposed the business to enormous pressure on the daily workflow and administration.

"It is estimated that these goals have been achieved over time." – Final report Dosell

In its entirety, the pharmaceutical robot Dosell has been assessed as a good solution for relieving the daily activities within TioHundra AB, where it has been possible to use working hours more efficiently as medication as a work step has been completely eliminated during patient visits.

“The collaboration with iZafe Group has worked well based on our conditions under the prevailing circumstances. The pilot study has given us good experiences for our continued work with business development and more specifically the introduction of welfare technology.” says Laila Lindroth, administrative manager of TioHundra.

iZafe Group has also been able to receive input for future development of Dosell, which is now used in the ongoing R&D work.

"This is an example of how the pandemic affects not only us but many others who deliver welfare technology. The interest is greater than ever, but customers do not have time to prioritize new technology and new solutions. The positive thing is that, even if decisions and deliveries are postponed, we are building up a sharply increasing interest that we look forward to delivering when society and healthcare return to a fairly normal situation. With a rapidly increasing degree of vaccinations in the risk groups and among the elderly, we see in front of us that this is happening in the near future. We are very positive that we have focused on building strong relationships with partners and customers and developed Dosell during this time.” says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

About the pilot project
TioHundra’s aim for the pilot project is to allow patients/users to manage their medication themselves, thereby increasing their independence. Digital tools such as medication dispensing robots are classed as welfare technology and provide important support for ensuring safe medication management, which is currently managed manually. Care professionals in Norrtälje must travel significant distances daily, with many patients needing more than one visit a day, to dispense medication and provide other minor assistance. TioHundra hopes to use digital tools to streamline its operations, so that it can make fewer visits and improve the quality of those visits instead. The trial period with Dosell will provide a basis for TioHundra’s decision on whether to purchase medication dispensing robots.

About TioHundra AB
TioHundra is unique in Sweden in that it is the only company offering a full range of health care and social care services. TioHundra’s innovative and efficient approach improves the quality of care and creates added value for patients, users, those close to them and employees. The Norrtälje model has attracted attention both regionally and internationally, being held up by Sweden’s Ministry of Health and Social Affairs as an example to other municipalities, county councils and regions.

About the medication dispensing robot Dosell
Dosell is a robot that manages the dispensing of medication sachets. The roll of sachets is installed in the robot and programmed by healthcare personnel. The medication is then dispensed by the robot at the times printed on the sachets. The sachet is cut open when it is dispensed, and the patient then takes their medication independently. A reminder function helps patients to remember to take their medications. If the patient does not take the sachet despite the reminder, an app sends an alert to healthcare professionals who can then make a home visit to ensure the medication is taken.

Stockholm, Sweden – iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading Life-Science company in healthcare digitalization announces an expansion of its information provided to shareholders and other stakeholders. As a complement to the communication of important events and regulatory news in accordance with current regulations, the provision of information is expanded with a channel via the website for ongoing updates that are not covered by rules for publication.

The news feed will be available through a separate section at

In regard to this, iZafe Group has brought forward a publication in written form reflecting the Q&A, which was held in connection with the year-end report 2020. Find the Q&A on the website under the heading investor relations. A video that deepens some of the questions will be published, as previously communicated, on the first of March 2021.

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Stockholm, Sweden – iZafe Group AB (publ) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B), a leading Life Science company focused on the digitalisation of medication handling, is announcing the completion of a pilot project with private care provider Attendo. The pilot project ran for two months in Attendo’s home care operations in Uppsala and Norrtälje. A phase of development of Dosell in close dialogue with Attendo is ongoing.

“Overall, the local authorities welcome digital medication dispensing. Patients who care deeply about being independent have taken Dosell as a miracle, as one happy customer in Norrtälje put it. Gathering suggestions for improvements that make it possible for Dosell to reach even more service users was a vital aspect of the project. A phase of testing and development of the new features is ongoing in consultation with Attendo, and we will maintain close dialogue with Attendo to help each other further,” says Anders Segerström, CEO, iZafe Group.

“We have carried out the project and see future potential in the product. Cooperation with iZafe Group went very well and it has been interesting to follow this project. Dosell has had positive effects on the medication management and for those customers who want to be independent, Dosell has been very well received.” says Susanne Åhlander, Assistant Regional Manager, Attendo.

The aim of the project was for the parties involved to answer the following questions:

Are there customer categories in the home care operations whom the product would help?

The product will help customer categories including people with cognitive decline or whose medications must be taken precisely on time, but who are otherwise independent. The Dosell medication dispensing robot improves medication handling. Dosell is a good alternative to quick visits to patients who live far away and allows service users to decide whether want more short visits or fewer, longer and more qualitative visits from home care staff.

There are advantages to not having to drive to all customers to deliver medication. There are also potential coordination gains to be had, in that visiting schedules for home care services are not controlled by the need to distribute medication.

Customers who want to be as independent as possible were highly receptive to the medication dispensing robot when they were introduced to Dosell. The customers who declined said that they did not want to lose the social interaction with home care staff.

Can the product be integrated into existing systems?

iZafe Group provided training of all lead nurses and participating members of staff in each home care operation. Attendo has also had access to support throughout the period. Attendo has suggested adjustments to reach a wider group of service users, which iZafe Group has added to the development plans for Dosell.

Can the product be used in a patient and medication-safe way?

A few features need further adjustment to achieve maximum reliability, but nurses perceive the risks as low. The local operations see no risks linked to use of Dosell by specific patient categories, as their is access to staff who can manage the device.

About Attendo
AB Attendo AB is a listed Swedish company that offers services in elderly care, care for people with disabilities and individual and family care. The company also operates in Finland and Denmark.

In November 2019, iZafe Group AB (publ) (“iZafe” or “the Company”), a leading Life Science company forcused on the digitalisation of medication handling, completed a rights issue in the form of shares and free warrants. The exercise period for the series TO 8 B warrants ran from December 4, 2020 through December 18, 2020 and has thus ended. In total, 1,216,429 series TO 8 B warrants – which equals around 45 percent of the warrants – were exercised.

A total of 1,216,429 warrants were exercised, representing about 45 percent of all warrants, to subscribe for 1,216,429 Class B shares at an exercise price of SEK 3.30 per Class B share. The exercised warrants thus provide iZafe with proceeds of about SEK 4 million before issue costs.

Number of shares and share capital
Exercise of the warrants increases the number of shares in iZafe by 1,216,429 Class B shares, from 32,262,081 to 33,478,510 shares. The share capital increases by about SEK 1,216,429 from about SEK 32,862,081 to about SEK 34,078,510.

The issue entails a dilution effect of the share capital of approximately 3.6 percent and of the number of votes of approximately 3.1 percent.

Stockholm Corporate Finance AB is acting as financial advisor, KANTER Advokatbyrå KB as legal advisor and Hagberg & Aneborn Fondkommission AB as issuing agency in connection with the exercise of the warrants.

About Stockholm Corporate Finance
Stockholm Corporate Finance is an independent privately-owned financial advisor offering expert advisory services relating to capital raising, changes in ownership, and mergers, acquisitions and divestments (M&A) for listed and privately held companies and their owners. Stockholm Corporate Finance is the exclusive Swedish partner in the global network M&A Worldwide, which is comprised of 50 M&A advisors and investment banks in 35 countries. Stockholm Corporate Finance is under the supervision of Finansinspektionen (Sweden’s financial supervisory authority) and is a member of industry organization SwedSec Licensiering AB. For more information see

Stockholm, Sweden and Espoo, Finland – iZafe Group AB (publ) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading life science company focused on the digitalization of medication management, is announcing the launch of two pilot projects in two Finnish municipalities together with Vivago. In addition to these pilots Vivago will also participate with Dosell in a number of procurements in Finland during 2021.

In connection with iZafe Group's successful verification of Finnish sachets from Finland's largest pharmacy chain University Pharmacy, a broader pilot operation is now being launched in which these are the first two projects. During the autumn, major training initiatives were carried out to prepare for the launch in Finland and to successfully launch the pilot projects where users will try Dosell to ensure safe and compliant medication via sachets.

“The pilot projects in Finland are particularly interesting as Finland is a strategically important market for the iZafe Group as the digitizing of healthcare is making rapid progress there. 60,000 people are already managing their medication with sachets in Finland and these users represents future users of Dosell. This customer group is also expected to grow rapidly over the coming years.” comments Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

The outcome of the pilot projects in the municipalities will form the basis for integrating medication via the dispensing of sachets and the digital medication-dispensing robot Dosell to increase safety and security for users and reduce the need for home visits for patients taking medication.

“We have identified the wide customer need for managing medication and ensure safety of the medication, and this is a great opportunity for us to build a co-operation in this field with iZafe Group and University Pharmacy. These first pilots represent the future offering of Vivago, and we are expecting expeditious growth from this market within next years.” Says Niina Vilkas, CEO of Vivago Ltd.

About University Pharmacy
University Pharmacy is Finland’s largest pharmacy chain with 17 pharmacies and an online store It provides 10% of all prescription medicines to the general public in Finland. More than 1000 employees work for a healthier tomorrow. University Pharmacy is owned by Helsinki University and its turnover in 2019 was €355 million. All profit goes into Finnish research and education.
About Vivago
Vivago develops smart safety and wellbeing solutions for preventive care by monitoring users’ health status and wellbeing in real-time, 24/7. The Vivago solution includes all features required for nurse call systems and covers the entire chain of care from home care and assisted living to rehabilitation centers and hospitals. More than 100,000 people use Vivago solutions every single day. Full digitalization of health status monitoring is opening a revolutionary path to changing care delivery from reactive to preventive while tailoring entirely patient-centered and results-driven care.

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