iZafe Group AB (publ.) (“iZafe” or “the Company”) announces the initiation of the launch of Dosell Consumer as an end product to the healthcare service Sempli Farma. Today, 25 pharmacies in Italy have already subscribed to the service and are marketing it continuously – however, Sempli Farma has greater ambitions and are optimistic regarding the prospects of involving at least 150 Italian pharmacies in the first phase of the commercialization.

Every patient that is currently subscribed to Sempli Farma through the current 25 active pharmacies will be offered Dosell by the end of the year. Thus, the Company is optimistic towards the opportunity to begin sales to end-customers in Italy by the end of the year.

“The coming launch of the consumer version in Sweden has provided us with valuable insights towards planning a successful breakthrough in Italy as well. Our expectations for the Italian market are great leading into 2022. It is very positive that Dosell will be able to make use of tax reliefs in conjunction with purchases of digital systems in Italy. This leads the way for a quick and scale-able commercialization in Italy in parallel to Sweden” says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

iZafe has prepared robots in preparation of several pilot studies with Dosell in Italy. After a couple of months of use, Sempli Farma will gather interviews and film reference videos which will be used in communication and be made available through the sales network.

“The market has received the launch of Sempli Farma well and our marketing campaign, where Dosell is presented as the final component, has had a great effect. Dosell is unique on the market and completes our range of services to facilitate safe medication. During the latest nine months we have been contacted by all of the large actors in the healthcare sector (pharmacies and other healthcare networks) and we are currently in many negotiations. We want to believe that we have been a big part of making pharmacies and other stakeholders aware of the importance of dose-packaged medicine in order to facilitate correct medication and strengthen the public health.” says Alessandro Iadecola, CEO of Remedio S.R.L and Sempli Farma.

During the first quarter of 2022, Sempli Farma will begin integrated sales activities and commercialization of Dosell. In connection to this, the product will be offered to the patients that already subscribe to the service Sempli Farma through the 25 connected pharmacies. With the estimated 150 pharmacies that will be added in the next phase, a strong foundation will have been laid for the launch in Italy. A successful start of sales implies that iZafe can look ahead towards further international expansion in Spain and Portugal, which are the targetable markets that follow after Italy. Currently, there are no direct competitors to Dosell, either in Italy, Spain or Portugal.

About Sempli Farma by Remedio S.R.L
The Italian healthcare company Remedia has built a network of strategically chosen partners in Italy in order to find a combination of different medicine administration aids and distribution channels that enable elders to live at home for a longer period of time. In contrast to Sweden, the possibility to use sachets has not been available in Italy. This has inspired Remedio to launch this concept in Italy and develop the complete solution Sempli Farma.

Sempli Farma is a service that connects the treating doctor with the user and their relatives through a closed system of medical dispensing. The healthcare concept has a goal of reducing the cost of healthcare and making the Italian healthcare system more efficient. Dosell will be the ultimate component by delivering the sachets while simultaneously controlling medication and gathering statistics.

Sempli Farma has grown during 2020 and 2021 through a capital raise of EUR 300,000. The organization has gained strength with the addition of a clinical engineer, a sales manager that works to create an external sales network, as well as a marketing and communication department.

iZafe Group AB (publ) (”iZafe” or ”the Company”) announces that they have filed for several completions of their PCT patent application. Thus, the Company enables a greater geographic patent protection, which is part of iZafe’s strategy to strengthen and further develop its intangible assets internationally.

The scope of protection in question refers to the pharmaceutical robot Dosell and its services. The application has been submitted for protection in key markets that iZafe has identified and wherein iZafe has seen great demand for Dosell. These markets are Europe, the United States, Russia and China. The extensive geographic patent protection is sought in order to prepare for the international expansion that is planned to be executed after the ongoing rights issue.

“The pharmaceutical robot Dosell is perceived as simple and easy to use, both for the user and the caregiver, and this combined with an affordable price has led to us seeing a great potential internationally for both our corporate version and the consumer version. It is therefore crucial to work strategically with our intangible assets as we expand the business.” says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

Furthermore, the Company has filed an international patent application regarding advanced, digitalized and smart functions that provide a more intelligent and adaptable version of Dosell.

By using sensors and other digital care equipment in the home and regularly measuring patient-specific data, the system provides even safer medication for patients. The international patent application enables iZafe to obtain patents in more than 150 countries. The current patent application creates a strong basis for patent protection in selected markets, including Sweden, the whole of Europe, Asia and the United States.

iZafe Group AB (publ) (”iZafe” or ”the Company”) announces that Vice Chairman of the Board Göran Hermansson and CEO Anders Segerström are subscribing for an additional of combined 458,000 units in the ongoing rights issue of units (“ The Rights Issue”), which was announced and communicated through press release on September 6, 2021. An EU-growth prospect containing the full terms for the Rights Issue was announced and communicated through press release on September 24, 2021.

Today, the Company announces that Göran Hermansson and Anders Segerström will subscribe for a total of 458,000 units, corresponding to SEK 687,000.00 SEK. Göran Hermansson subscribes for 324,667 units, corresponding to SEK 487,000.50. Anders Segerström subscribes for 133,333 units, corresponding to SEK 199,999.50, in addition to his existing subscription commitment of SEK 315,046.50. Anders Segerström has received unit rights from Göran Hermansson in order to subscribe with preferential rights. This means that the Board of Directors and management have subscribed for a total of 876,149 units, corresponding to SEK 1,314,223.50 in the ongoing Rights Issue.

Subscription commitment and underwriting commitments
The Rights Issue is already covered to approximately 18 percent through subscription commitments and to approximately 82 percent through underwriting commitments. In total, 100 percent of the Rights Issue is thus covered by subscription commitments and underwriting commitments before Anders Segerström and Göran Hermansson’s additional subscriptions.

The subscription commitments have been made by a number of existing shareholders in the Company (by, among others, Chairman of the Board Joachim Källsholm, Board member Richard Wolff, CEO Anders Segerström, CFO Ida Almgren, Sales Manager Tobias Johansson, former Chairman of the Board Carl Johan Merner and the Company’s founders Göran Sjönell and Sten Röing) as well as external investors.

Important dates for the Rights Issue
Trading in unit rights on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market: October 4 – October 13, 2021
Subscription period for the Rights Issue: October 4 – October 18, 2021
Estimated date for publication of issue results: October 21, 2021

Mangold Fondkommission AB is the financial advisor to iZafe in connection with the Rights Issue. Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå AB is the legal advisor to the Company in connection with the Rights Issue.

iZafe Group AB (publ.) announces that Dosell Consumer will be launched on October 18 via Apoteket AB. The first delivery of Dosell Consumer will be sent to Apoteket today, October 4, before the start of sales. In connection with the launch, the media has been invited to a press conference on October 14, where Dosell Consumer will be presented by, among others, CEO Anders Segerström and by the inventor of Dosell, general practitioner Göran Sjönell.

During the summer, an exclusive collaboration agreement was signed with Apoteket AB to introduce the pharmaceutical robot Dosell on the consumer market in Sweden. iZafe Group creates, together with Apoteket, an opportunity for all 2.3 million people who take medication daily in Sweden to prioritize proactivity to avoid drug injuries or incorrect medication.

“There is no doubt that drug injuries are a real problem in society. It is still difficult to create insight into the subject as, in the first instance in the event of an injury, one cannot point out that it has arisen because of incorrect medication. Every year, about 35,000 elderly people become so ill from their medicines that they must be hospitalized. It is with pride that we make Dosell available to anyone who takes medication regularly and wants to prevent incorrect medication with a better overview of medicines and increased compliance before an injury occurs. When our ongoing issue is completed, we will be able to scale up production and begin the sales period that we have all been patiently waiting for. The upcoming launch to the public is welcomed in a press conference on October 14 where we invited the media." Says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

About Dosell Consumer
Dosell Consumer is a subscription service that will be available for delivery via Apoteket on October 18, 2021. It is already possible to register an interest in securing availability when Dosell Consumer is launched.

iZafe Group AB (publ.) announces that for the second year in a row, the Company is one of the nominated entries to win the Golden Pill. iZafe Group participates in the competition with Dosell Consumer – Sweden's first pharmaceutical robot for consumers, which will be launched on October 18 via Apoteket. The winner of the Golden Pill is announced on September 30.

The pharmaceutical insurance, in collaboration with Dagens Medicin, distributes the prize “Golden Pill” every year. The prize is awarded to encourage employees in healthcare, the pharmacy sector and the research world to identify new ways of working and methods in healthcare. New ways of working will contribute to achieving safer medication handling and thus better health for patients.

“Medication errors is today a major problem in society. Our statistically significant market survey shows that 87 percent of patients over the age of 60 who are taking several medicines per day put safety first. We want to contribute to safer medication handling with the pharmaceutical robot Dosell. It automates the medication, which means that the individual can manage their medication at home more easily and ensure that you take the right dose at the right time", says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

Dosell Consumer dispenses the right medication packaged in sachets – the right dose at the right time. It also reminds when it's time to take the medicine.

"In addition, relatives do not have to worry. They are notified via SMS when there is a forgotten medicine that must be taken. By automating the process, it will be both easier and safer for everyone involved", concludes Anders Segerström.

About Dosell Consumer

  • Dosell Consumer and the Dosell app are a niche version of iZafe Group's professional solution and adapted so that users and relatives can administer medication and ensure the right dosage themselves, without being dependent on healthcare professionals. Both versions of the product are compatible with sachets from all suppliers on the market.
  • Dosell Consumer is a subscription service. Subscriptions for Dosell Consumer can be subscribed for and paid for by, for example, relatives on behalf of the user.
  • Dosell Consumer will be available for delivery in October 2021, but it is already possible to register an interest for when Dosell Consumer is launched. Click here. 

iZafe Group AB (publ.) announces that their pilot project with consumers now has been completed with a positive result, which paves the way for a successful launch in the Swedish and Italian markets. The test participators in the pilot project have had their say: Dosell Consumer is an appreciated aid on the market.

During the summer, a pilot project was carried out with twenty people from a group of several hundred interested who tested Dosell Consumer on their own behalf or to help a relative. Participants have continuously evaluated the product and given suggestions for improvements that iZafe Group is working to update ahead of the upcoming launch of Dosell Consumer.

After the test period, iZafe Group has made a final evaluation with the participants to identify how their medication has developed since they started using Dosell and to get information about their attitude to continue with the service.

"Dosell is my best friend – I never want to be without it." "The robot has reduced my medication misses on the weekends when you have a lot of other things scheduled." “I have received better continuous medication at fixed times. "Dosell increased the security of my mother and reduced my anxiety – Dosell can definitely extend the period of independence." "I would not be able to function without my Dosell." "My daughter does not want to be without Dosell and go back to manual handling of medication where I am constantly unsure and have to remind several times a day that medication should be taken." Dosell is missed by both the home care service and by my mother. It made it very easy to remember to take the medicine on time. It was calming to know that the medicine was delivered. " The words from users or relatives who participated as test persons in the pilot project during the summer of 2021 show that Dosell Consumer is an appreciated aid on the market that you do not want to be without.

“The interest in testing Dosell Consumer has been great and I can state that the response has been very good. The twenty people who participated in the test period have been completely different profiles, which indicates that Dosell is suitable for a number of different customer groups. As many as 95 percent want to keep their Dosell and continue with the service. They appreciate that Dosell is easy to use and that their compliance has improved. This strengthens us ahead of the upcoming launch to the public", says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

The enthusiastic response and the positive reception of the consumer version in Sweden means that iZafe Group is ready to start the launch in Italy via the Sempli Farma service, where the concept of sachets has been developed and spread more widely. The Italian market has a considerable potential with the equivalent of 8.8 million inhabitants over the age of 65 consuming more than five different medications per day. Of these, more than 50 percent experience difficulty following their medication treatments. In Italy, there is an accelerating need to automate medication management, where the consumer version of Dosell has been requested as the obvious alternative.

"The Italian market is several times as large as the Swedish and we see incredible potential for a broad rollout of Dosell now that Italy begins its digitalization journey in healthcare to give more people a safer and simpler medication at home, something that according to society's ambition contributes to lower healthcare costs with reduced risk of incorrect medication. The Italian sachets have been validated with Dosell and active marketing is done towards pharmacies.” concludes Anders Segerström.

Following the launch of Dosell Consumer in Sweden and Italy, iZafe Group sees great potential in a number of other markets in Europe, such as Norway, Finland, Spain, Portugal and England, where the company plans to find the right partners to launch the consumer version in longer term.

About Dosell Consumer
Dosell Consumer and the Dosell app are a niche version of iZafe Group's professional solution and adapted so that users and relatives can administer medication and ensure the right dosage themselves, without being dependent on healthcare professionals. Both versions of the product are compatible with sachets from all suppliers on the market.

Dosell Consumer is a subscription service. Subscriptions for Dosell Consumer can be subscribed for and paid for by, for example, relatives on behalf of the user.

Dosell Consumer will be available for delivery in October 2021, but it is already possible to register an interest for when Dosell Consumer is launched.

About Sempli Farma by Remedio
The Italian healthcare company Remedio has built a network of strategically selected partners in Italy to identify a combination of different aids to medication management and distribution channels that enable the elderly to remain at home longer. Unlike in Sweden, the possibility of receiving medicine separated into daily doses has not existed previously in Italy; this has inspired Remedio to launch the concept of sachets and develop a complete solution called Sempli Farma.

Sempli Farma is a service that, via pharmacies, connects doctors with the patient and their relatives through a closed drug-dispensing system. The aim of the care concept is to reduce care costs and streamline the Italian healthcare system. Dosell will become the ultimate end component by delivering the sachets while confirming that the medication has been taken and recording statistics.

iZafe Group AB (publ.) announces the opportunity for shareholders, media, and other stakeholders to ask company-related questions in connection with the publication of the Rights Issue which was communicated by press release today, September 6, 2021.

Questions will be answered by Chief Executive Officer Anders Segerström and published at latest on September 14, 2021, on iZafe Group's investor site under the heading Financial Reports, Investor Questions.
Please send your questions to before 10:00 (10 a.m.) CET on Thursday, September 9, 2021.

Stockholm, Sweden. iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading life science company in the digitalization of medication management has signed an exclusive collaboration agreement with Apoteket AB to introduce the medication dispensing robot Dosell on the consumer market in Sweden. iZafe Group, together with Apoteket, is creating a completely new private market for the integrated dispensing of medicines via Apoteket's dosing services Apodos and DosPac in combination with the medication dispensing robot Dosell.

iZafe Group and Apoteket have identified an increased need to simplify the process of medication management. The medication dispensing robot Dosell in combination with Apodos or DosPac now creates the conditions for a simpler, more independent and safe medication by delivering the medicines pre-sorted and at the same time by reminding the user when and which medication to take.

“It is well known that incorrect medication can have devastating effects on the individual's health if a dose is taken at the wrong time, not taken at all or if medications that can be harmful if taken together are combined. Through the concept of dose-packaged medication in sachets, the user gets their medication pre-sorted and in daily dose bags, which ensures that the medication is correct while the user does not have to spend time handling and sorting tablets in, for example, a pill organizer. Dosell then helps the user to manage the medication as prescribed", comments Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group. "The fact that we have signed an agreement with Apoteket shows that our strategic decision to launch a consumer version of Dosell was completely right and paves the way for a broad launch to consumers together with Sweden's leading pharmacy chain."

The consumer-adapted version of Dosell is based on iZafe Group's professional solution and developed in a way that makes it possible for users and relatives to administer medication and ensure the correct dosage using sachets from all suppliers on the market, without being dependent on healthcare staff and without requiring a prescription for the service. The user or relative is also given the opportunity to receive SMS reminders to their mobile phone if the medicines have not been taken on time.

Apoteket's unique market position as one of the leading suppliers of sachets creates a direct market for the over 200,000 people who currently medicate via sachets. The common goal is to offer the service to these and to address the people who administer their medication on their own. Dosell Consumer is also aimed at relatives who want to ensure that relatives take the right medicine at the right time for increased well-being and to minimize the risk of incorrect medication.

“We want to create the opportunity for those who take daily medication at home to get their medication in order. With the help of sachets, the user gets their medicines pre-sorted and quality-reviewed by a pharmacist, which gives them the reassurance of knowing that it will be right. The medication-dispensing robot Dosell works with the sachets to provide daily reminders and simplify the handling of the medication. Additional security is provided as the user, relatives or others can receive notifications via SMS if a dose is not taken”, says Magdalena Borg, Business Area Manager Dos Apoteket AB.

About the agreement
On June 14, 2021, iZafe Group and Apoteket AB signed a letter of intent agreeing to investigate the possibility of introducing the consumer version of Dosell via Apoteket's channels. Today's agreement, which is a result of these negotiations, means that Apoteket AB receives the excluse rights for the sale and distribution of the medication dispensing robot Dosell in Sweden via its own channels. iZafe Group and Apoteket will work together closely to maximize the opportunities to inform potential customers across all available channels. Dosell Consumer will be available for delivery via Apoteket in October 2021.

About Dosell Consumer
Dosell Consumer and the Dosell app are a consumer-adapted version of iZafe Group's professional solution and designed so that users and relatives can administer medication themselves and ensure the right dosage without being dependent on healthcare staff and without requiring a prescription for the service. Dosell Consumer is compatible with all dose bags on the market.

About Apoteket AB
Apoteket AB is Sweden's largest pharmacy chain and a state-owned company trading in pharmaceuticals in Sweden. Apoteket operates approximately 400 pharmacies in Sweden.

In addition to the pharmacy business, Apoteket also offers drug supply with associated pharmacy services to hospitals, health centers, dental clinics, municipal units, and private care companies and works with health services for employers via so-called Hospital Pharmacies and has ApoDos operations in Sweden.

Apoteket DosPac is a service whereby medicines are pre-sorted, dosed, and packaged in daily dose bags. Each bag contains the medicines to be taken at the same time. Each bag is labelled with personal information and details about what the bag contains and when the medicine is to be taken.

Read more about DosPac: https://www.apoteket.se/dospac/

Beatrice Backman, press contact Apoteket
Phone number: 073-069 27 04

Stockholm, Sweden – iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading Life Science company specializing in healthcare services digitalization announces the opportunity for shareholders, media, and other stakeholders to ask company-related questions in connection with its second quarter report. The report will be available to the public on August 4, 2021 at 08:30 (8:30 a.m.) CET.

Questions will be answered by Chief Executive Officer Anders Segerström and published on August 6, 2021 on iZafe Group's investor site under the heading Financial Reports, Investor Questions.

Please send your questions tobefore 10:00 (10 a.m.) CET on August 5, 2021.

Stockholm, Sweden. iZafe Group AB (publ.) (NASDAQ First North: IZAFE B) – a leading life science company in the digitalization of medication management – updates the market about the pilot project that is now being carried out with consumers to evaluate the consumer version of the drug robot Dosell launched in Sweden in September. The early response from pilot participants has been positive and iZafe Group looks forward to offering Dosell to the public, initially in Sweden and soon in Italy via the care concept Sempli Farma.

As previously communicated, iZafe Group is launching a consumer version of the Dosell pharmaceutical robot to offer hundreds of thousands of patients and relatives a valuable and safe aid that can increase safety and compliance in medication regimes. At the end of June, a pilot project was launched with twenty people from a group of several hundred stakeholders who are now testing Dosell before launch, either on their own behalf or to help a relative.

“The interest in testing Dosell Consumer has been great. We have received good suggestions of small changes that can make a big difference in the user experience, however those who tested the robot highlight that it is simple and easy to understand, which is important because it should be able to be used even by those who have no prior knowledge of the system or of technology. This strengthens us for the upcoming launch to the public", comments Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

During the test period, iZafe Group is conducting several evaluations and follow-ups using questionnaires to identify any areas of the service that need improving which will form the basis for the final product launched to the public.

"The instructions for getting started were very good, detailed and easy to understand." comments one of the participants in the consumer pilot project.

“We can only give positive feedback after my relative received her first sachet at the right time! Totally amazing." comments one of the relatives who is helping her daughter to test Dosell Consumer.

As previously announced, iZafe Group has signed a letter of intent with Apoteket AB to investigate the possibilities of signing a cooperation agreement between the parties and introduce Dosell in the consumer market in Sweden exclusively through Apoteket AB's channels. A collaboration with Apoteket would mean a faster and broader roll-out of Dosell in the consumer market in Sweden, jointly setting a new standard for handling medication, which means that digital, automatic drug dispensing using dose bags will become available to anyone who wants to create a safe and secure environment for administering drugs at home. As a first step, the launch of the consumer version will take place on the Swedish market followed by a launch on the Italian market via Sempli Farma.

“We want to inspire Italians to begin their digitalization journey in healthcare, so that more people receive safer and simpler medication at home, which contributes to lower healthcare costs with a reduced risk of incorrect medication. We have confirmed that the Italian sachets are compatible with Dosell, which is expected to be installed in Italian homes throughout 2021 and the year after.” Anders Segerström finishes.

In parallel with the launch of the consumer version in Sweden, iZafe Group is establishing a consumer version of Dosell in Italy as a significant component of the Sempli Farma care concept, where the concept of sachets has been developed and spread more widely. The Italian market has significant potential with the equivalent of 8.8 million people over the age of 65 consuming more than five drugs per day. In Italy, there is an accelerating need to automate drug management, and there Dosell will be the obvious choice.

About Dosell Consumer

  • Dosell Consumer and the Dosell app are a niche version of iZafe Group's professional solution and adapted so that users and relatives can administer medication and ensure the right dosage themselves, without being dependent on healthcare professionals. Both versions of the product are compatible with sachets from all suppliers on the market.
  • Dosell Consumer is a subscription service. Subscriptions for Dosell Consumer can be subscribed for and paid for by, for example, relatives on behalf of the user.
  • Dosell Consumer will be available for delivery in September 2021, but it is already possible to register an interest for when Dosell Consumer is launched.

About Sempli Farma by Remedio
The Italian healthcare company Remedio has built a network of strategically selected partners in Italy to identify a combination of different aids to medication management and distribution channels that enable the elderly to remain at home longer. Unlike in Sweden, the possibility of receiving medicine separated into daily doses has not existed previously in Italy; this has inspired Remedio to launch the concept of sachets and develop a complete solution called Sempli Farma.

Sempli Farma is a service that, via pharmacies, connects doctors with the patient and their relatives through a closed drug-dispensing system. The aim of the care concept is to reduce care costs and streamline the Italian healthcare system. Dosell will become the ultimate end component by delivering the sachets while confirming that the medication has been taken and recording statistics.

Read iZafe Group's interview with Remedio's CEO Alessandro Iadecola here.

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