iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that the partner Zafe Care Systems AB has now begun implementation of 5 Dosell in a municipality in southern Sweden.

The municipality, which has about 4,350 inhabitants who are 65 years and older, initially starts with 5 Dosell with an ambition to increase the number gradually.
About Zafe
Zafe Care Systems AB, which was acquired by the AddLife Group, is part of Home Care, similar to Norwegian Hepro, and is one of the leading companies in welfare technology on the Swedish market. Their main customers are the state, municipalities and aid centers. Today, they work with more than 200 municipalities and are suitable thanks to their market-leading technology in all types of care homes.
About Dosell
The medicinal robot Dosell is a Swedish-made digital aid for safer medication at home and for people living in nursing homes. Dosell is integrated into welfare platforms and is sold as one of several integrated digital aids via partners.
In a Swedish report, it is estimated that 3,000 Swedes die annually from drug-related injuries and that 6–16 percent of hospital admissions are drug-related. The costs for drug-related injuries that can be avoided are estimated at SEK 5.6–24.6 billion per year.
Dosell notifies the patient when it's time to take the medicine, and if the medicine is not taken despite the reminders, Dosell alerts healthcare professionals or relatives who can quickly prevent an injury and improve compliance, thus minimizing drug-related injuries.
Read more at www.dosell.se

iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that the partner Zafe Care Systems AB has now begun implementation of 10 Dosell in a municipality in southern Sweden.

The municipality, which has about 6,700 inhabitants who are 65 years and older, initially starts with 10 Dosell with an ambition to increase the number gradually.
About Zafe
Zafe Care Systems AB, which was acquired by the AddLife Group, is part of Home Care, similar to Norwegian Hepro, and is one of the leading companies in welfare technology on the Swedish market. Their main customers are the state, municipalities and aid centers. Today, they work with more than 200 municipalities and are suitable thanks to their market-leading technology in all types of care homes.
About Dosell
The medicinal robot Dosell is a Swedish-made digital aid for safer medication at home and for people living in nursing homes. Dosell is integrated into welfare platforms and is sold as one of several integrated digital aids via partners.
In a Swedish report, it is estimated that 3,000 Swedes die annually from drug-related injuries and that 6–16 percent of hospital admissions are drug-related. The costs for drug-related injuries that can be avoided are estimated at SEK 5.6–24.6 billion per year.
Dosell notifies the patient when it's time to take the medicine, and if the medicine is not taken despite the reminders, Dosell alerts healthcare professionals or relatives who can quickly prevent an injury and improve compliance, thus minimizing drug-related injuries.
Read more at www.dosell.se

iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that the increased market investments have yielded good results. Already in the first week of TV advertising, the 50 Dosells the pharmacy had in stock on apoteket.se were sold.

Today, new Dosells were shipped Dosells from to Apoteket and they will continue to monitor warehouse figures daily, so that this problem does not arise again. The campaigns with TV advertising on several channels will last at least three months. In connection with this, several marketing activities will also take place.

“Medicinal robot is a completely new concept and Dosell is the first consumer version on the market. Wrong medication is a big problem in society, and we need to make everyone aware of how helpful Dosell actually is. We have received feedback from several customers who have started using Dosell that they cannot understand how it has been possible to be without a medicinal robot. Along with this, we will increase our campaign and launch a 30-day customer satisfaction guarantee. This guarantee means that you can return Dosell if you are not satisfied within 30 days and get your money back”. Says Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group.

 Link to the TV commercial: https://vimeo.com/684223960

iZafe Group (publ.) hereby announces that our partner Zafe Care Systems AB has signed an agreement with a municipality in western Scania.

The agreement starts with ten Dosell and implementation takes place at the time of writing. After that, it will be expanded with more Dosell gradually in the municipality, which has great potential.
"It is only now that our partners have been able to get started with the sale of Dosell, as the final approval of Dosell was delayed until the end of November. It is therefore gratifying that we can now in a short time see the second agreement come in from Zafe Care Systems AB ”. Says Tobias Johansson, VP, iZafe Group.

iZafe Group AB (publ.) – hereby announces that our partner Zafe Care Systems AB has signed an agreement with a municipality in Västmanland. The municipality will initially start with two medication robots to ensure processes and routines before several will be implemented successively.

“Since the turn of the year, Zafe Care Systems AB has had a dedicated resource that focuses full-time on the medication robot Dosell. It is an exciting period we have ahead of us and we are now slowly starting to see results, more agreements are to be expected.” says Per la Fleur, CEO, Zafe Care Systems AB

Zafe Care Systems AB, which was acquired by the AddLife Group, is part of Home Care, similar to Norwegian Hepro, and is one of the leading companies in welfare technology on the Swedish market. Their main customers are the state, municipalities and aid centers. Today, they work with more than 200 municipalities and are suitable thanks to their market-leading technology in all types of care homes.

iZafe Group AB (publ) – announces that in connection with the quarterly report for the fourth quarter of 2021, which will be published at 08:30 CET on February 18, 2022, shareholders, the media and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to ask questions to the company.

Questions will be answered by Chief Executive Officer Anders Segerström and published on Febuary 28, 2022 on iZafe Group's investor site under the heading Financial Reports, Investor Questions.
Please send your questions to  before 10:00 (10 a.m.) CET on December 1, 2021.

iZafe Group AB (publ.) – announces that since the new Dosell was approved by all partners, 450 Swedish medication robots have been produced and shipped.

Our factory, like so many others, was affected by the coronavirus, which led to a near-halt in production at the beginning of the year, this led to a disruption in the production rate. We currently work at high speed and manufacture approximately 40 medication robots a week, at our factory outside Stockholm, Sweden.

“We work hard to be able to scale up production without compromising on the quality and we have high hopes that at the end of February we have been able to scale up production at a rate of about 300 Dosell a month. This is to meet the demand of our partners, who all have started the year with convincing potential customers of Dosell. All of our partners have several quotes out and negotiations underway around Dosell as a digital tool to improve and ensure that the right medicine is given in combination with Dosell being part of the digital welfare platform. Together with our partners, we have also submitted several procurements in Sweden, Norway and Finland. In order to be able to secure and fulfill the commitment in these procurements at a profit, the production rate needs to be at levels that meet the increased volumes in demand. It is gratifying that we are approaching these levels in capacity. ” says Anders Segerström, CEO, iZafe Group.

iZafe Group hereby announces that the partner Careium AB has signed an agreement with a municipality in Skåne, which has chosen to introduce the Swedish made medication robot Dosell in its operations.

“We are now starting to see more municipalities choosing to see how Dosell can be the choice of medication robot for implementation in their operations. We welcome Careium AB's first municipality, which is a direct result of the fact that they have now taken the step into a sales phase. We are very expectant for 2022”. Says Tobias Johansson, VP, iZafe Group.

A video summary from Anders Segerström CEO iZafe Group AB of the year 2021 and an insight into 2022.

Here is a summary of the past year 2021 and an insight into 2022 from Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe. Click on the link HERE to watch the movie.

iZafe Group AB has held a partner interview between Anders Segerström, CEO of iZafe Group AB and Geir Tore Jakobsen, CEO of Hepro AS.

In the interview between the companies, we clarify certain issues posed to us and at the same time we provide an insight into the future of the medication robot Dosell on the Norwegian market. Link to the intervju Click HERE
HEPRO AS is a modern and future-oriented competence company that develops, produces and sells aids and welfare technology of high quality and clean design. The company was founded in 1987 and has extensive experience in developing products and solutions that will make everyday life easier for their customers. Their vision is to give their customers the opportunity to manage themselves, participate actively in their own everyday lives and stay longer at home. Hepro is owned by the Stockholm-based listed AddLife Group. AddLife has approx. 70 st. independent subsidiaries and over 1800 employees.

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